About Cal's Manufacturing
Our CEO and founder Mr. Carlton Watson began working in the manufacturing sector in 1986, after gaining the exposure in the sector his dream was to start his own business after 13 years in the industry. His passion for the industry was so strong that he took a risk and started something small for himself in his back yard with one bag of sugar and a small mixing tank, to produce his very first product the Cal’s Syrup. The product was sold in the neighborhoods, to nearby businesses and post offices, and even from the roof of his car at times.

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News / Media / Recipes
This recipe is an authentic Jamaican dish that goes really well with rice, peas and cornbread. Oxtail is a dish that’s popular around the world, but especially in the Caribbean region. This Jamaican Oxtail dish starts with the meat being intensely marinated in a variety of spicy spices. It is then braised before simmering for […]
Canned corned beef used to be really cheap but prices have risen in recent years. This is an easy meal to have on hand for when you can’t think of what to make for dinner or work is keeping you busy. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! INGREDIENTS 1 onions or […]
Nice up your Kitchen with these recipes from Cal's Food.
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